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fhenix.js provides an easy-to-use function to encrypt your inputs before sending them to the Fhenix blockchain.


Encryption in Fhenix is done using the global chain key. This key is loaded when you create a fhenix.js client automatically

When we perform encryption, we specify the type of euint (Encrypted Integer) we want to create. This should match the expected type in the Solidity contract we are working with.

First, initialize the library -

import { FhenixClient } from 'fhenixjs';
import { BrowserProvider } from "ethers";

const provider = new BrowserProvider(window.ethereum);

const client = new FhenixClient({provider});

Then, you can use the created client to encrypt

import { FhenixClient, EncryptedType, EncryptedUint8 } from 'fhenixjs';

let result: EncryptedUint8 = await client.encrypt(number, EncryptionTypes.uint8);
let result: EncryptedUint16 = await client.encrypt(number, EncryptionTypes.uint16);
let result: EncryptedUint32 = await client.encrypt(number, EncryptionTypes.uint32);
let result: EncryptedUint64 = await client.encrypt(number, EncryptionTypes.uint64);
let result: EncryptedUint128 = await client.encrypt(number, EncryptionTypes.uint128);
let result: EncryptedUint256 = await client.encrypt(number, EncryptionTypes.uint256);
let result: EncryptedAddress = await client.encrypt(address, EncryptionTypes.address);

Or, we can use the lower-level type specific functions

const resultUint8 = await client.encrypt_uint8(number);
const resultUint16 = await client.encrypt_uint16(number);
const resultUint32 = await client.encrypt_uint32(number);
const resultUint64 = await client.encrypt_uint64(number);
const resultUint128 = await client.encrypt_uint128(number);
const resultUint256 = await client.encrypt_uint256(number);
const resultAddress = await client.encrypt_address(address);

The returned types from the encrypt function will be of the type EncryptedUint8, EncryptedUint16 or EncryptedUint32 (or 64/128/256 etc.) depending on the type you specified.

The EncryptedUint types sound scary, but are actually pretty simple. It's just a

export interface EncryptedNumber {
data: Uint8Array;

export interface EncryptedUint8 extends EncryptedNumber {}

These types exist in order to enable type checking when interacting with Solidity contracts, and to make it easier to work with encrypted data. However, feel free to use the data field directly if you prefer.